Angels & Demons

Note: Due to low no. of registrations for physical attendance, this course has been converted to online-only on Youtube (private). We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


27 Oct 2024
2pm – 5pm


80 Changi Road #05-16
Centropod @ Changi
Singapore 419715
*Basement carpark available.

Private link will provided to on the day of MasterClass. Participants will be able to ask questions and share comments in live chatbox on Youtube.


Ustaz Taufiq bin Radja Nurul Bahri


Ibn Mas’ud reported God’s messenger as saying, “There is none of you who does not have his Qarin from among the jinn and his Qarin from among the angels put in charge of him.

The companions asked, “Does this also apply to you, messenger of God?” He replied, “It applies to me too, but God has helped me against him (jinn) and he has accepted Islam, so he assists me to do only what is good.” – [Muslim]

Naturally, the heart is prepared to accept guidance, but because of vain desires and wishes, it may reject guidance. The heart remains a field of struggle between angels (the soldiers of good) and devils (the soldiers of evil) until it chooses to side with one. The chosen party would then settle in the heart, with the heart still having to resist the other party.

According to Ibn al-Jawzi: “Indeed, Iblis (Satan) only enters people by the measure he is able. His ability to do so is increased or decreased according to the degree of their mindfulness, their negligence, their ignorance, and their deeds. Know that the heart is like a fortress. Upon that fortress are walls and the walls have gates, and in it are chambers in which the mind resides.”

“The angels often visit that fortress. To its side are siege towers, in which are desires and devils frequently occupying them, with none to stop them. War is declared between the inhabitants of the fortress and the inhabitants of the siege towers. The devils continuously circle around the fortress, seeking the negligence of the guards and passage into some of its chambers. Thus, the guards should know all of the gates of the fortress, upon which its protection depends.”

In the excerpt explained above, is the eternal inner struggle of man. The realm of the unseen and its impact upon our lives is usually ignored and understated. The Quran and Hadith provide guidance on how to ensure the companionship of angels and the repelling of syaitan.

Topics Covered

• Descriptions and attributes of angels
• Descriptions and attributes of jinns
Attracting malaikah and repelling syaitan


Access to the recording will be made available within 1-3 working day from day of the MasterClass. The recording will be an online-access only for 60 days from the conclusion of this course. Subsequently, recordings will be processed and edited and uploaded on AQATV app (monthly subscription).


Standard: $30
Sponsored: $0

1. Sponsored passes are for those require financial aid.

2. Payments (to be made after registering) of any amount may with the following methods:
Bank transfer to DBS digital/current bank account no. 003-954778-1 or PayNow to UEN no. T13LL2451C.
IMPORTANT: Reference ‘MasterClass’ during the transaction.

*For overseas registrations / transactions, please email us so that we can share alternative ways you can make payment.

3. Students are required to complete payment of fees within 24 hours after online registration. Registration will only be confirmed upon completion of payment. Please email us for payment extension.

4. Instalment plan available. 
You may drop us an e-mail ( to request for an instalment payment plan after registering.


Note: Due to low no. of physical registrations, this course is converted to online-only on Youtube (private). We apologize for any inconveniences caused.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Upon registration, you will receive an automated email with details for bank transfer. Please do so immediately to confirm you registration. If you did not receive the email, do allow 3-5 minutes and check your Spam/Junk folder. You may email to if you did not receive any email.

If the registration option displays ‘Expired’, please email your registration details (name, contact no. and type of fees) to