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The study of the arts is one that poses interesting questions and discussions, especially when correlated with perspectives and principles of the religion. The arts, as controversial as it may be in select discussions of Islamic thought and law, is still an influential canvas of inspiration for the reform of humanity, with respect to the embellishment of the human soul that seeks for the truth in all its traverses on this increasingly materialistic world.
The purpose of art is to lead people to experience the realities of truth, and to facilitate refinement in thought and spiritual development. Art that is bereft of knowledge, would only result in the compounded confusion and the cataclysmic corruption of the susceptible global community. However, the arts, when created and expressed appropriately, would be an ideal spiritual mechanism that aids in the healing of the inconsistencies present in the human heart.
The question then arises, how do we filter the multiple forms of artistic expressions and manifestations, with the intent of distinguishing between the profound and the profane, both of which exist in the artistic realm? Muslims should be equipped with the necessary principles that serve as guides to identifying the arts which facilitate the internalization of manifest truth, and the expression of pure faith.
Essentially, the praiseworthy arts are those that lead us to cultivate greater awareness of the magnificence of Allah, and of the beauty of His best creation, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.