
Oh people of faith, have faith in Allah, and His Messenger, and the Book that He has revealed to His Messenger, and the Scriptures that He revealed before. And surely, whoever denies Allah, and His Angels, and His Books, and His Messengers, and The Last Day, no doubt, for sure, he has strayed away, gone far astray. – (Surah An-Nisa, Ayat 136)

The pillars of Islamic faith comprehensively encapsulate the seen and the unseen world, clarifiying the relationships between God and all of His creation. This intertwined loop of a framework explains the entire chronology of creation, their purpose and their eventual final return to God. Forming part of those imperative elements within that framework of faith, are The Books, and The Angels.

The phases of the call to faith are marked by the life of messengers and the revelation of divine scripture. Literature and religion can never be parted, as God’s call towards faith and salvation necessarily engages the mind, with thoughts of purpose and meaning, especially in this seemingly unstable life. The study of religious scripture facilitates the rational understanding of what God wants from us.

The metaphysical realm, as mysterious and negligible as it may seem to be to our limited human faculties, also serves a purpose in this worldly life. Angels play their part, to be God’s servants, acting upon His command and facilitating goodness amongst His creation.

Let’s unravel the elements of faith that instigate new dimensions of thought in our minds, clarifying the purpose and role of every facet within the sciences of the Islamic faith.


Wednesdays, commencing 23 Oct 2019
7.45pm to 9.30pm
8 weeks

Course Instructor

Ustaz Taufiq Bin Radja Nurul Bahri


There are no prior qualifications required to attend this course. Students need not attend the previous modules to attend any Seminary modules.


Date Theme
Week 1
The Divine Scriptures: Definitions, Purpose & Typology
Week 2
The Purpose: The Core Message of Scriptures
Week 3
The People of Scriptures: Messengers of The Message
Week 4
The Scriptures of This Age: The Qur-an & The Hadith
Week 5
The Genesis of Angels: Creation & Purpose
Week 6
Angelic Roles & Responsibilities: What They Do
Week 7
The Agents of Divine Revelation: Angels & Prophets
Week 8
The Angelic Encounters: The Human-Angel Relationship

Please note that instructor may wish to do a make-up session should there be any cancellations in the above dates on 18.12.19.


Standard: $100
Concession: $80

Concessions are available for full-time students, NSFs, senior citizens aged above 65, the unwaged, people of disabilities and those require financial aid.

Instalment Payment

Instalment plan available. 
You may drop us an e-mail ( to request for an instalment payment plan after registering.

Payment Mode

Admin and material fees are included.

Students are required to complete payment of fees within 48 hours after online registration. Registration will only be confirmed upon completion of payment. Please email us for payment extension.

Payment Modes: Interbank Transfer/PayNow. Interbank transfer and PayNow details can be found in the automated e-mail that will be sent upon online registration.

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

To be included in the waiting list: email your name, contact no., type of fees (standard/concession) and the course title to