“This is a blessed Book which We have revealed to you [Oh Prophet], so that they may contemplate its verses, and people of reason may be mindful.”
– [Surah Sād, Ayat 29]


NOTE: Due to the situation surrounding COVID-19, this course will be conducted online through YouTube Livestream. Watch here.

The Quran is an excellent companion for seekers of inner peace, presenting an array of curated divine messages that facilitate thought and contemplation to enable the discovery of purpose and intention within the mysterious inner workings of a human being. The first command was to read, and with prolonged reading, we know what comes next. Requisite reflections.

This month is a gift from God, a golden ticket that brings us back to Him, closer than ever before, through engagement and communication with Him. Day and night, we are presented with opportunities of worship that pulls our hearts and minds towards The Straight Path. This was the month when His Speech was revealed to The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

His Relentless Mercy & Immense Love engulfs every one of us, so that we may be reminded of His Closeness. As believers, we are required to place emphasis on exercising our thought while interacting with The Speech of God, in addition to pure obedience. Tadabbur enables us to feel and think about God and us, so that our hearts and minds are captured by His Love.

This Ramadhan, let’s unlock our hearts and minds to let the divine word take its effect on us, intellectually and emotionally, as we interact with God for imperative thought, through Tadabbur.


4 weeks (26 Apr – 17 May 2020)
10.30am – 12pm

Course Instructor

Ustaz Taufiq bin Radja Nurul Bahri




Week 1 26.4.20
Week 2 3.5.20
Week 3 10.5.20
Week 4 17.5.20

Note: There will be no make-up session should the instructor cancel a scheduled session due to unforeseen circumstances (medical/family). Cancellation updates will be sent via SMS (registered attendees), Telegram and posted on our IG/FB.


This program is pay-as-you-wish. To contribute for this Session, you may do so via the following mode of contributions:

DBS current/digital account no.: 003-954778-1 or
PayNow to UEN no.: T13LL2451C
Reference ‘Sessions’ for your contributions.

Alternatively, if you are keen to sponsor for a Session, you can so so here.


There is no registration for this Session as it will be conducted on our YouTube channel. Subscribe to our YouTube channel here to not miss out on any notifications.