
Registration is compulsory to receive an e-mail with the link to join our Google Meet session.

So, Sulayman smiled in amusement at her words, and prayed:
 “My Lord! Inspire me to always be thankful for Your favours which You have blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please you. Admit me, by Your mercy, into the company of Your righteous servants.”

– [Surah An-Naml, Ayat 19]

The Quran documents the stories of The Prophets and the righteous people in history, and in those stories, Allah highlights the emotional states of these pious people. The highs and the lows of these individuals are described to us, showing us how they expressed their feelings towards their people, and most importantly, towards God, in times of hardships and difficulties. The most intriguing aspect of this study is how those pious people of the past reacted to various challenging situations, and how they used those circumstances to get closer to God, to interact with Him, and to serve Him, in the most meaningful manner, through deep contemplation and thought.

The essence of the human being lies in the reality that he was created weak. Mankind shall always find within himself weaknesses. The one who refuses to acknowledge his weaknesses, shall eventually succumb to them and experience failure and its pains. However, the one who knows his place in relation to God, shall find a way to overcome the difficulties of life, through understanding his own flaws and limitations, and letting God be his Ultimate Guide who will bring him through the journey of life, to achieve true success.

Our emotions can either be a catalyst for positive change, or a weapon that destroys us. The one who embraces his human nature, and seeks God amidst the challenges of life, shall prevail, by channeling his emotions, to worship Allah better, and continue walking in this journey of life, stronger. This Ramadhan, let’s embody the attitude of the triumphant.


Saturday, commencing on 18 Apr 2021
4 weeks
10.30am – 12pm


Google Meet
*Tentatively, the course will be uploaded on AQATV app..


Ustaz Taufiq Bin Radja Nurul Bahri


Course fees for Sessions is pay-as-you-wish


Sunday 18.4.21 4:148 – 5:81
Surah An-Nisa-, Ayat 148 — Surah Al-Ma-idah, Ayat 81
Sunday 25.4.21 12:53 – 14:52
Surah Yusuf, Ayat 53 — Surah Ibrahim, Ayat 52
Sunday 2.5.21 27:56 – 29:45
Surah An-Naml, Ayat 56 — Surah Al-Ankabut, Ayat 45
Sunday 9.5.21 51:31 – 57:29
Surah Adh-Dhariyat, Ayat 31 — Surah Al-Hadid, Ayat 29


We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

To also register for Mornings With The Mushaf (Ramadhan Edition), please click here.

Contributions Mode

Contributions of any amount may with the following methods:
1) Bank transfer to DBS digital/current bank account no. 003-954778-1
2) or PayNow to UEN no. T13LL2451C
Reference ‘Sessions‘ during the transaction.

Note: Sessions are partially sponsored, thanks to generous sponsors who have supported Alqudwah Academy and its operations. Please remember to pray for their well-being in this life and in the next life. If you would like to contribute to Sponsor-A-Session, check out our  initiative, where you can support the operations of Sessions at The Academy here.