Abu Ad-Darda- narrated that The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Whoever has been given his portion of compassion, has been given his portion of good. Whoever has been denied his portion of compassion, has been denied his portion of good. Good character will be the weightiest thing on the believer’s scales on The Day of Rising. For sure, Allah hates the shameless, vulgar, corrupt person.”
– [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad, Kitab Ar-Rifq]


Sunday, 28 November 2021
2pm – 5pm
This course will be conducted online on Google Meet.


Ustaz Taufiq bin Radja Nurul Bahri


The concept of ethics and morality has been studied for a long time in human history. There have always been ideas and suggested frameworks for the real-world application of morality and moral behaviour, however, there have been its fair share of debate and controversy on the various ideas and theories circulated within this field of thought and study. The struggle to reach a well-defined, holistic moral philosophy has no doubt been amplified by the exclusion and neglect of religion and its perspectives, not discounting the fact that the waves of an increasingly modern society have led us towards the inexplicably dangerous waters of moral relativism.

Islam’s framework of morality and ethics is objectively well-defined by our core sources of the religion. One of the fundamental sciences within Islamic academia is Tasawwuf, also referred to as Tazkiyat An-Nafs, or Akhlaq. This dedicated study on the human character, built on the foundations of The Quran and The Sunnah, helps to facilitate us towards reaching one of the core objectives of The Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ mission: to perfect good human character.

Points Of Discussion Include:

• To Perfect Good Character: A Study of The Prophet’s ﷺ Mission To Establish Ethical Human Behaviour
• Internal Comportment: Thoughts & Actions That Make You Who You Are
• External Decorum: Behaving & Living As A Person of Ethical Standards
• Embodying The Prophetic Character: A Journey of Self-Rectification & Emulation of The Best of Mankind

While we attempt to understand the deontology of Fiqh and how it helps us to advance our practical application of Islam’s framework of morality and ethics, we are also urged to study the theories and foundational concepts of Islam’s moral philosophy, illustrated by The Quran and The Sunnah, so that we are able to distinguish between the morality that originates from divinely-inspired revelation, and that which is developed by human thought, so that we can set our priorities correctly when thinking about moral philosophy.

The Sunnah of The Prophet ﷺ offers so much to study, to develop our moral psychology and cognition, and to understand and internalize the moral agency that we uphold as servants of God. The sheer level of detail, practicality and relatability from the examples within The Sunnah of The Prophet ﷺ allows for Islam to set a framework of moral philosophy that is quite simply unrivalled.


Registrants are required to have access to internet on the day of the course. Registrants will be required to turn off their audio/video visibility. We will be sharing an invitation link to all registrants 1 day prior to the course.


Standard: $30
Concession: $20

1. Concessions are valid for full-time students, NSFs, senior citizens aged above 65, the unwaged, people of disabilities and those require financial aid. If you need a full concession, please register and reply to the registration email that you would like to request for a full concession.

2. Payments (to be made after registering) of any amount may with the following methods:
Bank transfer to DBS digital/current bank account no. 003-954778-1 or PayNow to UEN no. T13LL2451C. Reference ‘Seminary‘ during the transaction.

3. Students are required to complete payment of fees within 48 hours after online registration. Registration will only be confirmed upon completion of payment. Please email us for payment extension.

4. Instalment plan available. 
You may drop us an e-mail ( to request for an instalment payment plan after registering.

5. Each ticket is for per participant. Please do not share the registration with your family/friend.


We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Upon registration, you will receive an automated email with details for bank transfer. Please do so immediately to confirm you registration. If you did not receive the email, do allow 3-5 minutes and check your Spam/Junk folder. You may email to if you did not receive any email.

If the registration option displays ‘Expired’, please email your registration details (name, contact no. and type of fees) to