Enable your siblings of faith to take their first steps to God.
Through Sponsor-A-Session, you can contribute $150 to sponsor one week of a Session of your choice. We are also accepting contributions of as little as $50 or $100, so that more of us can contribute to each Session.
Your sincere contributions and prayers have gone a long way to facilitate many in our community, to know God and to seek God. We, at Alqudwah Academy, express our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to all of you, for making Sessions a source of joy, and a source of knowledge to all.
We hope that Sponsor-A-Session will continue to benefit many more seekers of knowledge from our community, to learn and to think about the religion, and to grow together as servants of God and of humanity.
We do this, together, for the pleasure of God. Thank you, and Jazakumullahu Khayran.
Since 2013, Sessions has been an ever-present signature course of Alqudwah Academy, inspiring and educating our fellow siblings of faith through circles of knowledge that bring us all closer to God, in times of ease and hardship. Sessions has been the catalyst for many, to kickstart their journey towards understanding God and His religion. Through Sessions, we ease our community towards closer companionship amongst the servants of God, and knowledge that brings about positive changes in our lives.
The key to the success of Sessions is one thing. Accessibility. We have designed Sessions to be accessible to any seeker who wants to begin learning the religion, providing a safe space for learning and thinking, ensuring that the path towards knowing God is available to them, always.
One of the reasons behind the accessibility of our Sessions, is you. Your constant support for Sessions, and countless sponsorships, have allowed us to continue Sessions, keeping it pay-as-you-wish, so that everyone can join us in our first steps towards God.
With our brand new Sponsor-A-Session initiative, we can continue to bring Sessions to you and to the community, to attain the knowledge and the blessings of God that we all seek.
Now on Google Meet, Sessions requires overheads that include honorariums for Sessions Facilitators, service fees for video-streaming equipment and software, and rental of space, camera equipment and peripherals. The operational cost of each Session stands at $150 per session.