Announcement: Due to low sign-ups, we will be combining Hadith On Men with Hadith on Youth. Hadith on Men will be conducted on Thursday, 19 Dec 2019.
This season of Sessions is open for both men & women.
The concept of masculinity has come under intense scrutiny, in light of periodic advancements within our social structure, sparking the rise of critical thought towards what is referred to as the patriarchy of society. This phenomenon has left us questioning ourselves. What is the role of the men in our society? From the lenses of the religion, what are the responsibilities of the men, in terms of their personal and communal priorities? These are questions that not only require clear responses, but also call for comprehensive guidelines that would steer the men towards regaining their sense of purpose and direction in life.
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has left behind, for the men, a way that brings out the best within them. His ﷺ exemplary qualities have set the benchmark of excellence that men should strive to achieve, in aspiring towards personal development, and in fulfilling their role as a catalyst of societal growth. Well, the best of men that has ever lived, is none other than The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
While current and prevalent notions of masculinity have subliminally dominated our minds, it is time for us to re-align those ideas, in accordance to the holistic blueprint deduced through the life of The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
Let’s learn the Prophetic code of masculinity.
19 Dec
7.45pm – 9.30pm
Ustaz Muhammad Rifdi Bin Rashidin
The facilitator will use her presentation slides to share his notes with students.
Hadith On Youths | 5.12.19 |
Hadith On Youths | 12.12.19 |
Hadith On Men | 19.12.19 |
Note: There will be no make-up session should the instructor cancel a scheduled session due to unforeseen circumstances (medical/family). Cancellation updates will be sent via SMS (registered attendees), Telegram and posted on our IG/FB.
This program is pay-as-you-wish. A donation box will be circulated during the session.
It is compulsory to register for Sessions. This would help us manage the space and logistics required for Sessions, according to the number of students attending.
You will also receive notification e-mails and messages on updates to the Sessions schedule, should there be any cancellations.
This Session is recorded and will be uploaded to our TV platform. Download on App Store/Google Play for $19.99 monthly to get all access.