‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud said: “I heard Allah’s Messenger ﷺ saying: “May Allah brighten a man who hears something from us, and he conveys it as he heard it. Perhaps, the one it is conveyed to, has more understanding of it than the one who heard it.”
– [Jami’ At-Tirmidhi, Kitab Al-‘Ilm]
The study of Hadith is relatively unexplored by most seekers of knowledge, let alone, the average Muslim. There are many reasons touted as to why this is the case. Some have claimed that the Hadith sciences are specialist fields that are out of the reach of the average Muslim. Some have even gone that extra mile, to say that it is totally unnecessary for a Muslim to learn these sciences, unless he or she is a scholar who has been tasked with issuing religious edicts. Is this really true, though?
Our understanding of The Prophet ﷺ is almost entirely predicated upon the Hadith literature. Interacting with said literature requires a specified, disciplined approach, as these requisite texts are subject to scrutiny in terms of their authenticity and interpretation. The study of Hadith and its related tools embody a whole lot of human sciences within them. This very dynamic nature of Hadith studies make it all the more interesting and also, much more sensitive towards textual distortion and misuse.
The failure to approach the Hadith texts with its necessary disciplines, has resulted in harms that are now unfortunately apparent and manifest in some factions of our society. Misunderstandings of authentic Hadith literature, or worse still, misattributions upon The Prophet ﷺ, are left unchallenged, unattended to, or much more worryingly, brushed aside, even by some from amongst the community of religious educators.
The road to truly understanding the best of mankind, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, can only be paved when the Hadith sciences and its disciplines are adhered to, so that the authentic teachings of The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are preserved. Every Muslim should inculcate within himself the love for Hadith, and the love for the sciences that protect The Sunnah, for it is a noble cause, for the love of The Prophet ﷺ Muhammad.
Tuesdays, commences on 6 Jul 2021
7.45pm – 9.30pm
4 weeks
Google Meet
Participants will be able to access recordings of Google Meet for a month from the final tutorial on a shared folder for revision. Subsequently, an edited version will be uploaded on our subscription-based app, AQATV.
Ustaz Taufiq Bin Radja Nurul Bahri
• There are no prior qualifications required to attend this course.
• Students are required to have access to internet on the day of tutorials.
Week 1 | 6.7.21 | The Importance of Understanding Hadith & The Hadith Sciences |
Week 2 | 13.7.21 | The Realm of The People of Hadith: An Overview of The Hadith Sciences |
– | 20.7.21 | Break: Eve of ‘Eid Al-Adha |
Week 3 | 27.7.21 | Step By Step: What Every Muslim Needs To Know About The Hadith Sciences |
Week 4 | 3.8.21 | Change of Perspective: Loving The Prophet ﷺ through The Hadith Sciences |
Standard: $55
Concession: $45
Concessions are valid for full-time students, NSFs, senior citizens aged above 65, the unwaged, people of disabilities and those require financial aid.
Payments of any amount may with the following methods:
1) Bank transfer to DBS digital/current bank account no. 003-954778-1
2) or PayNow to UEN no. T13LL2451C
Reference ‘Seminary‘ during the transaction.
Note: Please make payment after registering.
Payment Mode
Admin and material fees are included.
Students are required to complete payment of fees within 48 hours after online registration. Registration will only be confirmed upon completion of payment. Please email us for payment extension.
Payment Modes: Interbank Transfer/PayNow. Interbank transfer and PayNow details can be found in the automated e-mail that will be sent upon online registration.
Instalment Payment
Instalment plan available. You may drop us an e-mail ( to request for an instalment payment plan after registering.
If the options has ‘Expired’ / ‘Fully-booked’, drop us an email ( with your full name, contact no. and type of fees (Standard/Concession) for us to include you in the registration.