Healing My Faith
The Increase & Decrease of Iman
Note: This is an online session. Session will be conducted on Meet.
Date / Time
Mondays (5 weeks)
8pm – 9.30pm
Commencing on 9 Dec 2024
Online on Meet (Google)
Meet (Google) can be accessed via laptop or any mobile devices. If you are using a mobile device, you will be required to download the app and access using a Gmail account. You may create a free Gmail account if you do not have an account.
An account is not needed if you’re watching on your laptop or computer.
Ustazah Nur Hidayah binte Azman
“And whenever a surah is revealed, there are among them [i.e., the hypocrites] those who say, “Which of you has this increased in faith?” As for those who believed, it has increased them in faith, while they are rejoicing.
But as for those in whose hearts is disease, it has [only] increased them in evil [in addition] to their evil. And they will have died while they are disbelievers.”
– [At-Tawbah: 124 & 125]
The venerable Hadith vanguard, Imam al-Bukhari mentions, “I met more than one thousand men from the scholars in different regions, and I did not see a single one of them differ in that the Iman is speech and action; that it increases and decreases.” Echoing the similar sentiments is the eminent scholar, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal who also said that Iman is speech and action; it increases and decreases and that the righteous predecessors of the scholars of all the lands have agreed upon.
As fallible creations of Allah, we are in constant struggle with maintaining our levels of spirituality and religiosity. This temporal and profane life presents itself as an antagonistic force that challenges our devotion and practice. Islam recommends that a constant adherence to righteousness and abstention from disobedience may provide a semblance of solace.
The main objective of this Sessions is to guide the seekers to the practical rituals and spiritual preparations that will create an elevation of Iman, an overall sensation of closeness towards Allah and perpetual stimulation to consistently be in the state of piety.
Conversely, we will also be reminded of the vices of which should be shunned and avoided, so that the Iman that we have strived to maintain and increase will not be deflated and dwindled.
“Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower.”
– [Ali Imran: 8]
This session is based on the book “Causes Behind the Increase and Decrease of Eemaan” by Sheikh ‘Abdur-Razzaak al ‘Abbaad. PDF for download is available here.
Instructor will also be using her own slides for the sessions. Slides / reading materials will be sent to you before / after the session depending on the instructor’s preference.
Registrants are welcome to join at any point of the season.
Registrants are required to have access to internet on the day of the course. We will be sharing an Google Meet link to all registrants on the day of the course.
Recordings will be made available 1 day after session on AQATV app. Sessions are available for free. Subscribe $19.99 per month to get an access to all recordings of Sessions, MasterClasses, Essentials and Living With The Quran & Sunnah series. Your subscriptions will also allow us to continue sustain Alqudwah Academy, making our courses accessible and affordable to all insyaAllah.
Week | Date | Topics / Links |
1 | 9.12.24 | Introduction to Iman Learning Beneficial Knowledge • Recite the Quran & Contemplate • Allah’s Names and Attributes |
2 | 16.12.24 | (Cont.) Learning Beneficial Knowledge • The Prophetic Ways • Fine Qualities of the Religion • Life of the Companions and Successors |
3 | 23.12.24 | Reflect on the Universal Signs of Allah • Manifestation of Imaan • Actions of the Heart, Tongue & Limbs |
4 | 6.12.24 | Internal Causes • Ignorance • Heedlessness, Aversion and Forgetfulness • Committing Disobedience and Embarking upon Sinful Deeds • The Soul that Greatly Commands Evil |
5 | 13.1.25 | External Causes • Shaytaan • The World and its Allurements • Ill Associates |
Sessions are fees-as-you-wish.
You may contribute any amount weekly as the fees for this Session. Your generous contributions will allow us to continue conducting this Session.
Contributions of any amount may with the following methods:
PayNow to UEN no. T13LL2451C, bank transfer to DBS digital/current bank account no. 003-954778-1 or Scan & Pay the QR code below.
IMPORTANT: Reference ‘Sessions’ during the transaction.
Note: Sessions are partially sponsored, thanks to generous sponsors who have supported Alqudwah Academy and its operations. Please remember to pray for their well-being in this life and in the next life. If you would like to contribute to Sponsor-A-Session, check out our initiative, where you can support the operations of Sessions at The Academy here.
Registrations are required for physical attendance. Please register once only to attend the 5 weeks Session.