Abu Sa’id Al-Khudhri narrated that Allah’s Messenger ﷺ sat on the pulpit and said:

“Allah has given one of His slaves the choice of receiving whatever he wishes of the splendor and luxury of this worldly life, or to accept the good that is with Allah. So, the slave has chosen the good that is with Allah.”

Upon hearing that, Abu Bakr cried.
– [Sahih Al-Bukhari, Kitab Manaqib Al-Ansar]


Sunday, 27 Feb 2022
2pm – 5pm
This course will be conducted online on Google Meet.


Ustaz Taufiq bin Radja Nurul Bahri


The end of our worldly life is something that we seem not to think about too much, simply because we want to distance ourselves from that grim reality that puts an end to our earthly adventures and pleasures. Death happens, and it happens to all of us. Even the best of us.

When The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ left this world, by Allah’s Will, it presents an insight into the significance and weight of the mission of God’s Final Prophet to mankind. When he ﷺ breathed his ﷺ last, the era of prophethood and divine revelation was well and truly sealed. The final days and moments of his ﷺ life encapsulate the key messages of God’s religion, serving as a summary of important lessons for us to learn from, so that we can fulfill our role as the final Ummah to the best of our abilities.

He ﷺ lived and strived to successfully impart the knowledge of God and His religion to us, and now, all we have left to inherit is this endless ocean of knowledge and wisdom that will lead us to success and happiness in this life and the next.

This is an inheritance for all believers, one that we should hold close to our hearts, till our desired reunion with our beloved, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

Points Of Discussion Include:

• The Farewell Sermons: Lessons After The Success of Getting Makkah Back
• Lessons From The Final Days: Narrations That Lead Us To His Final Breath ﷺ
• Addressing Misconceptions of His Last Words ﷺ
• The Companions & Their State: Dealing With Life After The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

This MasterClass, we study the final days of The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to experience the significance of the final messenger of God, and the seal of all divine revelation to mankind. We are the final Ummah, and we are here to seek the success story that God has promised for all believers.


Registrants are required to have access to internet on the day of the course. Registrants will be required to turn off their audio/video visibility. We will be sharing an invitation link to all registrants 1 day prior to the course.


Standard: $30
Concession: $20

1. Concessions are valid for full-time students, NSFs, senior citizens aged above 65, the unwaged, people of disabilities and those require financial aid. If you need a full concession, please register and reply to the registration email that you would like to request for a full concession.

2. Payments (to be made after registering) of any amount may with the following methods:
Bank transfer to DBS digital/current bank account no. 003-954778-1 or PayNow to UEN no. T13LL2451C. Reference ‘Seminary‘ during the transaction.

3. Students are required to complete payment of fees within 48 hours after online registration. Registration will only be confirmed upon completion of payment. Please email us for payment extension.

4. Instalment plan available. 
You may drop us an e-mail ( to request for an instalment payment plan after registering.

5. Each ticket is for per participant. Please do not share the registration with your family/friend.


We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Upon registration, you will receive an automated email with details for bank transfer. Please do so immediately to confirm you registration. If you did not receive the email, do allow 3-5 minutes and check your Spam/Junk folder. You may email to if you did not receive any email.

If the registration option displays ‘Expired’, please email your registration details (name, contact no. and type of fees) to