
“For sure, We, had been revealing The Reminder,
 and for sure, We, shall be its Preservers.”

– [Surah Al-Hijr, Ayat 9]

A friend picks up a copy of The Quran from the shelf and tells you:
 “This is not The Quran.”

You stand there, for a moment, speechless.

Then, your friend says:

“This is not The Quran, but rather, this is a Mushaf of The Quran.”

We know that The Quran is Divine Revelation, The Word of God, that is indisputably unmatched by any other work of literature that could possibly be produced by mankind. We know that it was revealed over a period of 23 Hijri years, and revealed to The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and most of it, through The Angel Jibril. We know that the recitation of The Quran is an act of worship, worthy of reward. We know that The Quran, concerning its authenticity, is exemplary.

But how has The Quran been preserved over the course of history? What are the challenges faced by The People of The Quran, in trying to protect The Quran from contamination caused by human hands and minds? How has the dynamism of The Quranic Text aided the higher purpose of protecting Divine Revelation and its intended meanings?

These are questions that require an in-depth, historical study of the various events and processes that have led to the preservation, compilation and study of God’s Divine Revelation. Let’s pick up where we left off in Ramadhan, and continue to study The Quran.


Tuesdays, commences on 1 June 2021
7.45pm – 9.30pm
4 weeks


Google Meet

Participants will be able to access recordings of Google Meet for a month from the final tutorial on a shared folder for revision. Subsequently, an edited version will be uploaded on our subscription-based app, AQATV.


Ustaz Taufiq Bin Radja Nurul Bahri


• There are no prior qualifications required to attend this course.
• Students are required to have access to internet on the day of tutorials.


Week 1 1.6.21 The Origin: The Era of Divine Revelation
Week 2 8.6.21 The Methods of Preserving The Quran
Week 3 15.6.21 The History of The Compilation Process
Week 4 22.6.21 The Variant Texts & The Variant Readings


Standard: $55
Concession: $45

Concessions are valid for full-time students, NSFs, senior citizens aged above 65, the unwaged, people of disabilities and those require financial aid.

Payments of any amount may with the following methods:
1) Bank transfer to DBS digital/current bank account no. 003-954778-1
2) or PayNow to UEN no. T13LL2451C
Reference ‘Seminary‘ during the transaction.

Note: Please make payment after registering.

Payment Mode

Admin and material fees are included.

Students are required to complete payment of fees within 48 hours after online registration. Registration will only be confirmed upon completion of payment. Please email us for payment extension.

Payment Modes: Interbank Transfer/PayNow. Interbank transfer and PayNow details can be found in the automated e-mail that will be sent upon online registration.

Instalment Payment

Instalment plan available. 
You may drop us an e-mail ( to request for an instalment payment plan after registering.


We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

If the options has ‘Expired’ / ‘Fully-booked’, drop us an email ( with your full name, contact no. and type of fees (Standard/Concession) for us to include you in the registration.