Your Lord Has Not
Forsaken You


Note: This is an online session. Session will be conducted on Meet.

Date / Time

Mondays (5 weeks)
8pm – 9.30pm
Commencing on 14 Oct 2024


Online on Meet (Google)

Meet (Google) can be accessed via laptop or any mobile devices. If you are using a mobile device, you will be required to download the app and access using a Gmail account. You may create a free Gmail account if you do not have an account.

An account is not needed if you’re watching on your laptop or computer.


Ustazah Nur Hidayah binte Azman


The ummah is bleeding and suffering. Everyone is enduring some kind of hardship.

“Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while Allah has not yet made evident those of you who fight in His cause and made evident those who are steadfast?” – [Ali ‘Imran:179]

“Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe” and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allāh will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars.” – [Al-‘Ankabut: 2-3]

Our faith teaches us that this too will pass, but as we go through the test (fitnah) we must seek ways to purify ourselves and to nourish our souls. In every moment, the believer sees an opportunity to reap blessings and rewards.

We remain optimistic in Allah, the All-Merciful (al-Rahman) and the Eternal Refuge (al- Samad), who never lets us down and brings us out of darkness into light, time and time again. Allah does not send us trials without also giving us the means to seek relief and to make our success easy.

Trauma is more common than you think. Well over half of your friends, colleagues, and closest family members have experienced harrowing events in their lives. Maybe you have, too. Trauma can dwell in the body for years or even decades, unrecognised but draining your energy, happiness, and your faith. But through all the numbness or pain you may feel, and all the hardships you experience, Allah is still there for you.

Through out the sessions, we will refer to the the book ‘Your Lord Has Not Forsaken You: Addressing the Impact of Trauma on Faith’ as a guide to understand trauma and its far- reaching effects on the body, mind, and soul. With that understanding in place, we can recognise how it leads to cognitive biases and doubts around faith—and then begin to grow beyond these roadblocks and find contentment.

“Your Lord has not abandoned you, nor does He despise you.” [Ad-Dhuha: 3]


This session is based on the book Najwa Awad and Sarah Sultan titled Your Lord Has Not Forsaken You: Addressing The Impact of Trauma on Faith. Book is available at Wardah Books.

Instructor will also be using her own slides for the sessions. Slides / reading materials will be sent to you before / after the session depending on the instructor’s preference.


Registrants are welcome to join at any point of the season.

Registrants are required to have access to internet on the day of the course. We will be sharing an Google Meet link to all registrants on the day of the course.


Recordings will be made available 1 day after session on AQATV app. Sessions are available for free. Subscribe $19.99 per month to get an access to all recordings of Sessions, MasterClasses, Essentials and Living With The Quran & Sunnah series. Your subscriptions will also allow us to continue sustain Alqudwah Academy, making our courses accessible and affordable to all insyaAllah.


Week Date Topics / Links
1 26.8.24 Filtering
• “Why do bad things always happen to me?”
• Breaking the cycles of negativity
2 2.9.24 Unrealistic Expectations
• “I should have gotten over it by now”
• Surviving the impact of grief on faith
3 9.9.24 All Or Nothing
• “Why bother living if the future is filled with pain?”
• Reclaiming thoughts and seeing what’s in between
4 23.9.24 Overgeneralisation
• “How can I ever trust again?”
• Navigating betrayal and broken trusts
5 30.9.24 Emotional Reasoning
• “Why does Allah and/or everyone hate me”
• Rescript negative thoughts and assumption of outcomes
6 14.10.24 Magnification and Minimisation
• “Why is everything falling apart?”
• Dealing with unexpected life’s detours
7 21.10.24 Self-Blame
• “This is all my fault, I am to blame”
• Quieting and healing the inner critic
8 28.10.24 Labelling
• “I can never heal as I am permanently broken”
• Reclaiming the future after the end of a traumatic experience
9 11.11.24 Disqualifying the Positives
• “Why is everyone’s life better than mine?”
• Protection from the dangers of comparisons
10 18.11.24 Jumping to Conclusions
• “What did I do to deserve all these?”
• Conquering the assumptions that holds us back

No session on 4 Nov 2024.


Sessions are fees-as-you-wish.

You may contribute any amount weekly as the fees for this Session. Your generous contributions will allow us to continue conducting this Session.

Contributions of any amount may with the following methods:
1) Bank transfer to DBS digital/current bank account no. 003-954778-1
2) or PayNow to UEN no. T13LL2451C
Reference ‘Sessions‘ during the transaction.

Note: Sessions are partially sponsored, thanks to generous sponsors who have supported Alqudwah Academy and its operations. Please remember to pray for their well-being in this life and in the next life. If you would like to contribute to Sponsor-A-Session, check out our  initiative, where you can support the operations of Sessions at The Academy here.


Registrations are required for physical attendance. Please register once only to attend the 5 weeks Session.

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