This Session will be temporarily suspended from 26 Aug – 30 Sep.


‘Ali ibn Abi Talib said: ”If the religion was based upon opinion, it would have been more appropriate to wipe the sole of the leather socks, rather than the upper part of the leather socks. However, I have seen Allah’s Messenger ﷺ wipe over the apparent, upper part of the leather socks.”
– (Sunan Abi Dawud, Kitab At-Taharah)

Our faith and relationship with God is dependent upon the way in which we embed religion into our daily lives. God introduced His final revelation to mankind, through The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, with the command to read, setting the tone for this religion to be the inherent foundation for an imminent intellectual heritage that has thrived over the course of history. Spearheaded by The Quran & The Sunnah of The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, Islamic academia has indeed proved, that servitude to God, begins with knowledge.

The manifestation of faith, is not only in the belief that is housed in human hearts, nor mere aural phrases that are uttered by the human tongue. The most apparent of the signs of faith, are none other than the actions of mankind. The Islamic law serves as a specific guidebook for all of us to evaluate our actions, so that we can begin a journey of self-betterment through understanding the effects of our actions, in the larger landscape of our relationship with God, and His creation.

Here we begin, a journey of refining worship, enhancing thought and nurturing faith.


commencing 2 July
7.45pm – 8.45pm
Youtube / AQATV app
Note: This Session is temporarily suspended from 26 Aug – 30 Sep.


Ustaz Muhammad Faizuddin


Week 1 2.7.20 Premiered on YouTube
Week 2 9.7.20 Premiered on YouTube
Week 3 16.7.20 Premiered on YouTube
Week 4 23.7.20 Premiered on YouTube
Week 5 30.7.20 Premiered on YouTube
Week 6 6.8.20 Premiered on YouTube
Week 7 13.8.20 Premiered on YouTube
Week 8 20.8.20 Premiered on YouTube



Course fees for Sessions will be pay-as-you-wish.

Payments of any amount may with the following methods:
1) Bank transfer to DBS digital/current bank account no. 003-954778-1
2) or PayNow to UEN no. T13LL2451C
Reference ‘Sessions‘ during the transaction.

Note: Sessions are partially sponsored, thanks to generous sponsors who have supported Alqudwah Academy and its operations. Please remember to pray for their well-being in this life and in the next life. If you would like to sponsor these Sessions, check out our Fund-A-Session initiative here.


There is no registration required as Sessions premiered on our YouTube channel.

To watch previous Sessions, you can subscribe to AQATV app, available on App Store/Google Play for $19.99 monthly for all access.


You can download the PDF copy of Safinat An-Najah, by Shaykh Salim ibn ‘Abdillah Al-Hadhrami using the link below: