Ulul ‘Azmi:
The 5 Great Prophets In The Quran
Note: This is a hybrid session. Session will be conducted physically at Centropod and livestreamed on our Youtube channel. Registration are required to attend physically.
“Therefore bear up patiently as did the Ulul Azmi (Messengers endowed with constancy),bear up with patience and do not seek to hasten…”
– [Al-Ahqaf:35]
“And remember when We took a covenant from The Prophets, as well as from you [Prophet Muhammad ﷺ], and from Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, and ‘Isa, the son of Maryam. We took a solemn covenant from them.”
– [Al-Ahzab:7]
Sundays (8 weeks)
10.30am – 12pm
commencing 31 Dec – 25 Feb 2024
80 Changi Road #05-16
Centropod @ Changi
Singapore 419715
*Basement carpark available.
Livestreaming on:
YouTube: Alqudwah Academy TV
Ustaz Taufiq Bin Radja Nurul Bahri
Every single day our patience is tested in some way or another. Since having patience is something so important and necessary for each one of us, it’s not surprising that Allah has given us wonderful examples of patience in the Quran, patience and determination displayed by the heroes of Islam throughout different ages and times.
Studying the stories of our beloved Prophets lets some light into our hearts, to enliven the spirits of our soul, and to encourage us to follow in the footsteps of all of our righteous predecessors. Our struggles seem little in light of theirs, and as a result, we find ease, peace and calmness, knowing that the paths forged by The Prophets will lead us, inevitably, towards The Light of God.
Instructor will be using his own slides for the sessions.
Topics Covered
• Prophet Nuh a.s.: Patience for 950 years
• Prophet Ibrahim a.s.: The true meaning of sacrifice
• Prophet Musa a.s.: Nurturing a strong and vast heart
• Prophet Isa a.s: True Strength is humbleness and humility
• Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: Compassion and mercy
Week | Date | Topic |
1 | 31/12/23 | Introducing The Ulul ‘Azmi |
2 | 7/1/24 | Prophet Ibrahim A.S.: Fixing The House & The World |
– | 14/1/24 | Break (Living With The Sunnah @ Masjid Sultan) |
3 | 21/1/24 | Prophet Ibrahim A.S.: Definition of True Sacrifice |
4 | 28/1/24 | Prophet Musa A.S.: Moral Sensitivity |
5 | 4/2/24 | Prophet Musa A.S.: Vastness of The Heart |
6 | 11/2/24 | Prophet Isa A.S.: The Miracle Child |
7 | 18/2/24 | Prophet Isa A.S.: Against All Odds |
8 | 25/2/24 | Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: Gracefully Strong |
Sessions are fees-as-you-wish.
Payments of any amount may with the following methods:
1) Bank transfer to DBS digital/current bank account no. 003-954778-1
2) or PayNow to UEN no. T13LL2451C
Reference ‘Sessions‘ during the transaction.
Note: Sessions are partially sponsored, thanks to generous sponsors who have supported Alqudwah Academy and its operations. Please remember to pray for their well-being in this life and in the next life. If you would like to contribute to Sponsor-A-Session, check out our initiative, where you can support the operations of Sessions at The Academy here.
Registrations are required for physical attendance. Please register once only to attend the 8 weeks Session.
To watch previous Sessions for free-of-charge, you can do so on AQATV app, available on App Store/Google Play. For all access, subscribe for $19.99 monthly.