Join us as a Session’s volunteer.

Session volunteers work hand-in-hand with the floor manager to prepare for Sessions. They will be responsible for set-up (if needed), facilitating/ushering of attendees, monitoring of donation boxes and tear-down/clean-up.

* Courses organized by external organisations/education providers renting our spaces are not considered as our courses.

Smile with us

We want all our students to feel welcomed, comfortable and learn in the best condusive environment. We want to make Alqudwah Academy feels like their second home.

Pave Paths For Paradise

As we house almost 100 students for each Session, we require your assistance to usher and seat the students. InsyaAllah, you will get the rewards of assisting our those who are seeking knowledge too.

Listen to the wisdoms.

Topics for Sessions are mostly practical and beneficial. Apart from assisting the Sessions, you will also get to listen to the wisdoms of our instructors. There will be some time in between the Session that you are able to sit in and learn.


Perks are given out to committed an consistent volunteers – you'll get passes to our paid courses such as Seminary and MasterClasses!